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English : Intent and Implementation

Our English curriculum is designed to widen children’s knowledge, skills and understanding of the English language and develop their confidence for speaking and listening, reading and writing in line with the aims of the National Curriculum for English 2014. Texts are carefully chosen, to help challenge the children and create a lifelong love of literature, through our fully immersive approach.  We link and embed English into all areas of the curriculum.


We encourage our pupils to speak clearly and confidently. We give children a range of opportunities to express themselves orally in an appropriate way, matching their style and response to audience and purpose. A range of texts are chosen carefully in order to facilitate quality writing across a spectrum of genres and to develop creative responses to texts. Texts chosen reflect the diversity of our school and enable children to build cultural capital. Children are encouraged in all subjects to continually increase their vocabulary, as it is key to their learning and progress across the whole curriculum.


Children develop the skills for participating effectively in group discussions and as they progress through the school, they are encouraged to give reasoned justifications for their answers, and to support this with evidence. We encourage our children to be active and inquisitive thinkers by questioning themselves and others in order to aid their developing reading and writing skills. Teachers’ use of open questions help in this development and encourage children to do the same

Knowledge, Skills and Progression Map

Please click on the PDF icon below to see detailed information about the development of knowledge and skills in this subject from year to year.

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