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Impact Statement

At Roe Green Infant School, we measure the impact of our curriculum by the extent to which we prepare all our pupils for the next phase of their education. Do they make good progress through our curriculum so that they are genuinely prepared for what comes next? We measure outcome not only in terms of pupil progress but also how our curriculum enables pupils to discover and develop broader interests and talents.


Measuring Impact Across the Curriculum

We measure impact in the following ways:

  • A regular cycle of work scrutiny, learning conversations with stakeholders, observations of the learning environment and observations of teaching and learning.

  • Ongoing formative assessment, marking and feedback.

  • Termly/half termly summative assessments using a range of published resources, including the assessments linked to the range of schemes used in school.

  • Teacher assessed pupil outcomes both on an individual basis and for key and vulnerable groups.

  • The progress of pupils, which is monitored half termly for phonics and termly for reading, writing and maths.


Measuring Wider Impact

Our broad school curriculum helps develop our pupils’ character including their resilience, confidence and independence and helps them keep mentally and physically healthy.  Their attitudes towards the school’s values, their behaviour, attendance and developing interest in their rights and responsibilities are measured in broad terms through certificates, awards, participation in charitable events and the wider school community.

If we see evidence of all of the above, we know that our curriculum is effectively designed and taught. Our pupils will leave us as well rounded cultured, inquisitive, caring, kind, resilient, knowledgeable young people.

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